ثقافة في البقاع
مراكز ثقافية مسارح معارض مكتبات
مكتبة بلدية شمسطار العامة Chmestar Public Library
Centre de ballet COB Dance academy founded in 1982 by Najah Najjar. with a successful career, our choreographers are opening up different styles of Dancing...
Caracalla Dance Theatre is an Internationally renowned dance company based in Horsh Tabet - Sin el Fil Ivoire Center, Beirut, Lebanon. Founder & Artistic Director:...
Almajd Dance Theatre فرقة المجد البعلبكية (Almajd Dance Theatre) interested in folklore and folk heritage. Founded officially in 2000 in Baalbeck under the name (Almajd...
Hayakel Baalbeck Dance Troupe was established in 1994 and it consisted of six dancers. They were trained by "Abou yahya Solh" and "Abou Ibrahim Solh"....
Anjar Art Gallery founded and funded by Gaidzag and Dzovig Zetlian, strives to encourage and showcase local artists in Anjar by offering a modern and...
المجلس الثقافي الاجتماعي للبقاع الغربي وراشيا الهيئة الادارية المنتخبة (كانون الثاني 2019): رئيس المجلس: صالح الدسوقي نائب الرئيس: عمر ياسين أمين السر: مروان درويش أمينة الصندوق:...